Friday, June 13, 2008

One solution to a no landline all cell phone home

This Panasonic bluetooth-enabled technology is actually quite a neat solution.

It has a couple of potential is not an answering machine so one must use cell phone voice mail... so if the system is set up to manage ...for example two cell phones ....then some confusion can exists about how to check messages that would be taken if ..say..late at night you had set all phones to silent.

This may sound trival but if in fact the idea is to eliminate a landline entirely the cell phones will be quite often in the cradle not being carried about.

But this very reasonably priced solution manages the basic to add more easily managed cordless phones as extensions of a cell so that when employed say at home, a cell phone can be placed in its charger and left until the owner leaves but calls be be answered and initiated using bluetooth as the communications channel between the cell phone and the cordless base station and the handsets.

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